J Nail Studio offers an extensive range of nail courses for all levels using the very finest nail products on the market. J Nail Studio Director Jess Puan is recognized and international accredited in professional training of nail technicians. With many years of experience in the industry, we are proud that customers and students recognize our commitment to fostering quality services and teaching, and we constantly seeks out new and exceptional products, training and services to improve our salon.
While looking for the right Nail Academy in Singapore, one of the most important criteria often overlooked is the student-to-educator ratio. At J Nail Studio, our ratio is capped at 2:1. With a maximum of 2 students to 1 Educator, our students can receive more personal attention and get more value out of their education. We maintain individual profile of our students and assess/coach them personally. At J Nail Studio, you can progress at your own comfort level and learn at the pace which suits you, without the pressure of a rigid time table. We adopt a Flexible Timetable for our students, which means they have significant freedom over when they like to attend their courses. Be it work during the day, with the freedom to plan their own timetable, students can better focus on their learning without time pressure.

"Here is a picture during the class, educator Jess will always hold student's hand to do it together. By doing this students get to know how much pressure that educator had put on it. This was our unique part and it is very important!"
Jess guarantee that you will master the skill!
The course fee includes products, tools and material. Which you don't have to further purchase or top up during the lesson. I believe the goal of setting up a nail school is to pass knowledge to my student, and not solely on monetary gains.
Nail educator Jess acting as a hand model for student! Students get to understand deeper and learn from educator's own feedback when they are practicing nail techniques on their hands. Personal learning benefits students greatly in terms of efficiency compared with big class of 1:25 teacher to student ratio. Big classes instructor will not have the time luxury for 25 students to practice on her one by one. Imagine one student takes 2 hours for cuticle practical, how many hours for 25 students? How many students really benefit at the end of their lesson?